Brush Fence Repairs Adelaide

  • Top repacking – thinned out tops can be repacked on both sides or if they have sagged.
  • Wire re-tensioning – this is the secret to brush fence longevity, as it helps prevent sagging and deterioration over the years. Broken or cut wires can also be fixed.
  • Roll tops repacking – this is important to stop rain filtering from the exposed tops down into the fence and rotting the tops.
  • Graffiti removal
  • Insurance repairs – we can repair any damage caused by cars, storms or trees.
  • Height extensions – this can be done to cut noise from main roads, increase security or increase privacy from neighbours or strangers walking past your yard.

In addition, we can re-sleeve rusted or broken posts, as well as straighten posts and fence lines.

Why is Brush Fencing maintenance important?

Repairs & maintenance of brush fences are what keeps it looking as good as the day it was installed & keeps adding value to your home.

Even if your brush fence has already been up for up to 10 years, the secret to the longevity of a brush fence is having the wires retention every 10 years before the tension is lost and starts to sag & needing repairs.

By replacing the roll top every 10-12 years when it has split apart from the top and dropped on either side, stops the tops of your brush fence from been exposed & allowing the rain to filter through the tops of the brush fence & eroding the tops.

Before and After Brush Fence Repairs
